Play Everywhere news update

Pada acara ini, Agam Hamzah bersama personel bandnya akan kembali menghipnotis penonton dengan performa Jazz yang mendalam. Selain Arya pada Piano, Marvin sebagai Bassist, dan Demas sebagai Drummer, kali ini akan ada personil tambahan yaitu Tony Mucharam pada Vocal. Tony Mucharam dikenal sebagai vocal coach dan musik director di bawah naungan Dwiki Dharmawan dan Farabi Music Education Center.
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Boost Sales on This Festive Seasons
The festive season in the culinary industry is like the grand finale of a fireworks show—dazzling, where all efforts come together, and, most importantly, highly profitable. For restaurants, it's a prime time to not only increase revenue but also to craft memorable experiences that leave a lasting impression on patrons, encouraging them to return long after the festive decorations are taken down.
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Live Music Promotes Better Dining Experience
Many people like eating out, and many also enjoy going to live music events. However, not many think about doing both at the same time. Research suggests that more people should, as listening to music can make dining out a better experience.
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Celebrating the Christmas holidays is not only about warmth and togetherness but also a golden opportunity to create memorable moments for your café customers. With this in mind, we're sharing 7 creative ideas that can help boost your café's image and traffic during the year-end holiday season.
Read moreOn July 27, 2023, Karya Kreatif Indonesia 2023 (KKI 2023) presented an extraordinary blend of art, creativity, and technology with the presence of Play Everywhere. This much-anticipated event for artists, musicians, and creators has opened an exciting new door for Indonesian MSMEs and creators to present their work interactively and more affordably.
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Understanding the PlayEverywhere Vision: Its Essential Role in Indonesia's Creative Work 2023
Indonesia continues to move forward in developing the potential of its MSMEs and local creators. One event that illustrates this spirit is Karya Kreatif Indonesia 2023 (KKI 2023). Amid this event, PlayEverywhere was present as a key partner, playing an important role in realizing the vision of developing Indonesian MSMEs and creators. In this article, we will explore PlayEverywhere's role in the KKI 2023 event and how the platform provided essential support to achieve this great mission.
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Di bulan November ini, Play Everywhere mempersembahkan sebuah program spesial dengan tema Musik, Makanan, dan Memori yang akan disajikan langsung secara virtual melalui device PlayBox (produk dari Play Everywhere) yang saat ini sudah tersebar di berbagai cafe, restoran, dan hotel di seluruh Indonesia. Pada spesial program kali ini, pada tanggal 24 November 2023 Play Everywhere menyediakan hiburan berupa Interactive Live Podcast, Interactive Live Music, dan juga Comfort Food Story Competition dengan total hadiah jutaan rupiah untuk kamu yang hadir dan berpartisipasi dalam acara ini.
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PlayEverywhere - Creating Strong Branding for Cafes Through Different Entertainment Experiences
Getting your café closer to your customers' hearts requires a key ingredient: strong branding. To stand out from the competition and create innovations, to attract customers and provide memorable experiences for customers, modern cafes are now turning to technological innovations such as PlayEverywhere. In this article, we will look at how PlayEverywhere can strengthen your café's image through different and unique entertainment experiences.
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Creating Memories Through Music & Food
In the tapestry of our lives, memories are the threads that weave together the moments we hold dear. Two powerful elements that contribute to the creation of unforgettable memories are music and food. When combined, they create a symphony for the senses, enhancing our experiences and etching moments into our minds. Like whenever we come across certain food or music, our subconscious self will try to recreate the memory we have linked to that food or music. Even when we come to certain places or restaurants we will try to recreate the moments or even reinforce them. Similarly, music is about evoking emotion. As humans, we tend to associate our emotions to music. Re-living them through various strums and hums – beyond time and space.
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In increasingly fierce business competition, café owners need to innovate to provide a unique experience to customers. One effective way to create an engaging entertainment atmosphere is by utilizing PlayEverywhere's Play Box. In this article, we will provide some tips and advice for café owners to optimize the use of PlayEverywhere's Play Box and create an unforgettable entertainment experience for visitors.
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Nonton live concert? Pasti udah biasa. Kalau nonton virtual concert yang bisa bikin kamu gak cuma sing along tapi juga bisa ngobrol dan seru-seruan bareng artisnya, udah pernah cobain belum? Kalau belum, kamu wajib hadir di event SONGVERSATION: A Virtual Jamming Session with Raissa Ramadhani persembahan Play Everywhere dan TREBEL! Yuk simak info lengkapnya.
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Greetings to all café entertainment and innovation enthusiasts! In our relentless pursuit of improving the café entertainment experience, PlayEverywhere introduces the captivating Play Box as an ingenious solution. This article delves into the reasons why opting for PlayEverywhere's Play Box is a step toward ushering in a new era of interactive café entertainment. Furthermore, we elucidate how this device fosters heightened engagement from patrons.
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Do you like hanging out at cafes? Here's a cool program from PlayEverywhere that you must join!
For those of you who like to spend time at cafes, and want to hang out with friends and family while enjoying interactive entertainment, there is exciting news! Let's get acquainted with what PlayEverywhere is. PlayEverywhere is a truly unique, innovative, and contemporary virtual live music entertainment platform, presenting a variety of exciting and interactive programs in various cafes and venues that have worked together.
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Cafes are no longer just a place to enjoy a cup of coffee or a good meal, they are hangouts that offer a different and fun experience. One effective way to enhance your café's appeal and increase business profits is by hosting interactive music events.
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In an era of growing globalization, Indonesian musicians and artists have endless opportunities to express their talents to the rest of the world. One platform that has successfully proven this is Play Everywhere, an interactive entertainment solution that has brought live performances of Indonesian musicians virtually in Tokyo, Japan. In partnership with Kopikalyan, Play Everywhere managed to bring Indonesian musicians to achieve success in the international market.
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Entertainment is a universal language that connects people from different backgrounds and cultures. In this increasingly connected world, technology has opened the door for the expansion of the entertainment market in diverse public places. One innovation that represents this change is PlayEverywhere, which delivers interactive and immersive entertainment experiences in places like cafes, food courts, hotels, and malls. Let's explore the huge potential that PlayEverywhere brings in expanding the entertainment market in public places.
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Kalian semua pasti tahu dong, kalau Halloween selalu menjadi salah satu momen yang ditunggu-tunggu setiap tahunnya. Nah, buat kalian yang nggak mau ketinggalan keseruannya, ayo ikutan acara Halloween Party dari Play Everywhere! Malam penuh misteri dan keseraman di tahun ini bakal diisi dengan berbagai acara seru yang sayang banget kalau kamu lewatin. Selain itu, akan ada hadiah total hingga jutaan rupiah buat kamu yang ikutan acara ini. Buat kamu yang penasaran apa aja keseruannya, yuk lanjut baca artikel ini sampai habis.
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Café entertainment has undergone a significant transformation thanks to technological innovations. One such breakthrough that is gaining attention is PlayEverywhere's Play Box. In this article, we will explore why PlayEverywhere's Play Box is a top choice for cafes looking to deliver a unique and interactive entertainment experience.
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Opening New Business Opportunities with PlayEverywhere for Music MSMEs and Local Creators
Indonesia has tremendous potential in the field of arts and entertainment. In this digital era, innovative breakthroughs like PlayEverywhere have opened up opportunities for local music MSMEs and creators to expand their business and gain greater international exposure. In this article, let's explore how PlayEverywhere brings exciting new business opportunities and supports local music MSMEs and creators to achieve international recognition.
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Indonesia, a land rich in culture and art, is also home to a diverse and dynamic entertainment industry. In an era of ever-evolving technology, innovation is key in maintaining the vibrancy and momentum of the entertainment industry. One such innovation that has garnered attention is PlayEverywhere, an affordable technology solution that brings tremendous positive impact to Indonesia's entertainment industry, especially in places such as cafes, malls and other entertainment locations.
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In the modern world of entertainment, cafes are not only a place to enjoy a cup of coffee or delicious food, but also a stage for local musicians to perform live. However, organizing a live music event at a café can often be a complicated and time-consuming task. It's time to get acquainted with PlayEverywhere, an interactive solution that will change the way cafes present live entertainment without too much hassle.
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Last July, Friday (7/21/2023) to be precise, witnessed a technological breakthrough that changed the face of Indonesian tourism. The National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) for the development of 5 Super Priority Tourism Destinations (DPSP) was held at The Plataran Heritage Borobudur Hotel, Magelang Regency. The event was chaired by Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, and resulted in decisions that have the potential to elevate Indonesian tourism to a new level.
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The appeal of live music in bars and restaurants is primarily rooted in its ability to infuse fun and vibrancy into the atmosphere. Music serves as a fundamental element in creating an inviting setting, contributing to a more relaxed and enjoyable dining experience, and ultimately proving highly enticing to customers. As a result, a growing number of restaurants are acknowledging the effectiveness of live music as a means to attract and engage their clientele.
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In the ever-evolving business world, reaching and understanding young audiences is key to success. Millennials and Generation Z, known as digital natives, have unique preferences and needs. How can cafes attract and reach this generation as a potential target market? The answer could lie in PlayEverywhere. In this article, we will discuss how PlayEverywhere can be leveraged to reach millennials and Z generations, and provide tips for crafting an effective marketing strategy.
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Kamu penikmat musik Jazz? Ngefans sama musisi jazz tanah air dan luar negeri? Jangan ngaku “anak Jazz” deh kalau belum ikutan acara Play Everywhere: Jazz Everywhere! Tanggal 1 Desember 2023 pukul 16.00 - 18.00 WIB, Play Everywhere dan Farabi Music Education Center berkolaborasi dalam menghadirkan program dimana kamu bisa nikmatin performance musik Jazz dari musisi-musisi profesional tanah air, sekaligus menambah ilmu kamu seputar musik Jazz sambil nikmatin menu-menu favoritmu di venue-venue yang sudah memasang PlayBox (produk dari Play Everywhere). Yuk simak informasi selengkapnya.
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